Web Services

Your most visible piece of marketing collateral should be built with careful precision.

Your website is your most important communications tool. To properly serve your audiences, it needs to be clear, well organized, and easy to use. It needs to perform quickly across a variety of devices and networks. It should give voice to your place within the Notre Dame brand utilizing contemporary design practices.

Such web experiences start with a strong foundation. They rely on organizational communications strategies and goals. They benefit from a careful review of web analytics to inform decisions about content priority and structure. They reflect carefully chosen hosting environments, accessibility standards, and best practices.

ND Creative is the preferred vendor for campus units designing new websites. Units looking to contract with outside vendors must nevertheless consult with the Web team first, at the onset of the project, to ensure compliance with branding, hosting, and quality standards. As such, the web team reserves the right to provide corrections or recommendations to any campus websites that do not closely adhere to these standards.

Start a Web Project

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Web Design & Development

We collaborate with the campus community to design and develop the best websites in higher education.

Web Design & Development

  • Accessible

    Ensure your site is usable by all users, including those with physical, mental, or environmental disadvantages.

  • Mobile Friendly

    Mobile devices are increasingly the platform of choice by many users.

  • Performant

    Quick information is valuable, but the right information delivered quickly is priceless.

Web Analytics On Screen

Analytics & Strategy

We analyze our campus partner's goals and communication needs to craft digital strategies that target the right audiences with the right message. Our analysis can include web analytics, benchmarking, content strategy, information architecture, and social media strategy.

Analytics & Strategy

  • Data-Driven Decisions

    Analytics provides an understanding of user behavior and prioritized content, informing decisions and continuous improvement.

  • Goal-Driven

    Your website is a natural reflection of defined organizational communications goals, tailored to your primary audience.

  • Clear Direction

    Analytics, content strategy, and information architecture form the blueprint for a successful web design.

Web Support & Training

Our team oversees more than 700 websites on campus. For campus partners needing adjustments, support, or assistance, our team is easy to reach. We also facilitate free Conductor training for campus admins.

  • Always Available

    Our team is on campus, available to answer questions and make minor adjustments or bug fixes.

  • Free Training

    We offer free training for the University’s primary content management system, Conductor.

  • Digital Guidance

    Documented guides are available for users editing content within the admin of their website.

Conductor Screen

Content Management and Hosting

We’ve built an environment ensuring security, performance, and ease of use.

Content Management & Hosting

  • Secure and Fast

    Our websites are hosted with Amazon Web Services, regularly reporting 99.999% uptime.

  • No Hassles

    For websites using Conductor, updates, upgrades, and costs are covered by the University.

  • Simple to Edit

    Make changes to your website by simply logging in with your NetID.

Subdomains & Link Shortening

We provide University-approved subdomains for new websites, built with our team or otherwise. For instances where curated links are needed but subdomains aren’t appropriate, link shortening services are available.